Friday, May 05, 2006

It begins...Thus something else ends (or vice versa)

Se acabó Chile. My time in Chile is done. After a wonderful year and an oh-so-strenuous week of finals, I am moving on.

While the amazing chapter of my study abroad ends, another one opens - 3 months of traveling!
(That´s right. I just used the cliche metaphor of the chapters in one´s life ending and beginning.)

My immediate plans are to hop the border to Argentina and see Parque Nacional Aconcagua, named after the mountain that happens to be South America´s highest. The next few weeks will work themselves out in northern Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. The eventual goal is Venezuela, hopefully hitting most Spanish-speaking countries on the way.

Although I am sad to leave so many wonderful people and memories behind in Santiago, the next stage seems amazingly fun.

I hope to continue blogging, but it might just happen to become even more random and sporadic than it already is.

I am taking one bag and one guitar. The bag unfortunately weighs more than the guitar. Although I am setting off solo, I anticipate meeting and joining many interesting tipos along the way.

Stay great, mis compadres.


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