Thursday, May 04, 2006


An interesting form of street performing involves drums being worn on the back...chinchineros.

Emmanuel has been playing since he was 3. He is also a third general chinchinero performer. He generally performs with his younger siblings and cousins at la Plaza de Armas.

Many other family members sit around and watch. Some are strategically placed to walk up after certain parts of the performance and put money in the tip jar, with hopes that other people will be influenced to do the same. This isn´t unique to this performance. Almost any performance, and without doubt any scam routine, has multiple people working other than the performers themselves.

Emmanuel spends almost all weekends, and most Friday afternoons, performing. Later in the day other performing family members, the vast majority being male, arrive as well.

A typical routine involves several drastic rhythm changes, pretty intricate footwork placing one foot in, out and around the string attached to the other foot, and seemingly violent spins in which Emmanuel whirls around like crazy and somehow keeps the beat going and doesn´t fall over!


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