Monday, September 19, 2005

One Huge Virgin

I´m not even kidding, she is massive. From almost any point in Santiago, you can see the gigantic, white (it seems the appropriate color) Virgin Mary looking over the city.

Last week I finally made the trek to the top of Cerro San Cristobal (a large hill precariouly placed right next to the city) to let my own eyes glance from the Virgin´s vantage point. Getting up there was difficult, though. First, I rode almost straight up in this crazy trainish-car thing!?! I was hoping the ride would build character, but it merely instilled fear deep within me.

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Quick side note - I had planned on hiking up to the top, but my right knee is killing me. It could have been from hiking last weekend in the south, but I bet that I jacked it up during dance class on Tuesday. Thanks to this dance class, expect me to not come back with smooth Latin American moves... but rather with a cane. It is grueling and I might have to drop the class out of sheer exhaustion.

Then, after finally reaching the end of the frightening Funicular (that´s what they call it) ride, I climbed about 8 stories worth of steps. If you read the previous paragraph, you´ll understand why I almost collapsed. When I finally looked at the Virgin, it wasn´t to admire the handiwork of whoever built it - Oh no, it was to beg her for the power to make it back down the steps if I could ever find the strength to stand up again.

Finally, when my leg went numb I had a chance to look around. It was really an amazing panorama of sorts. I say of sorts because the heavy smog blanketing the city doesn´t allow for the clear views I had envisioned. However, it was magnificent. I arrived late in the afternoon and stayed for sunset. Hopefully I can try the long hike up when my leg is feeling better.

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While looking around the devotional area, I was stunned to randomly find a note signed from "Christopher" on a piece of "Hello Kitty" paper. I don´t like to read into things too much, but I was meant to see that. And it was tied around a tie, which just looked cool!

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I like the single candle in the background. I bet less than 10 candes were lit out of several thousand. It was kind of creeping.

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