Thursday, July 20, 2006

The World´s Most Dangerous Road...and other superlatives

I enjoyed the incredibly touristy biking of the WORLD´S MOST DANGEROUS ROAD outisde of La Paz, Bolivia with my Canadians Chloe and Iblis.

They aren´t joking. The 400+ meter drops directly off the side of the road (minus a protective railing...of course) are quite fear-inspiring.

Luckily we made the multiple hour downhill coast without a scratch -- dust enough to put a sandstorm to shame - but no one fell. I later found a British girl with another group who had taken two nose-dives during the course of the day.

And it´s been a good year...only 38 people had died this year at the point when we rolled down. (That´s 38 motorists - only 7 or 8 bikers have ever paid the final price! Comforting)

A longer list of the other superlatives I´ve encountered will come when I find the list!


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