Saturday, March 11, 2006

As Of Late

Somehow I actually keep somewhat busy with only 3 days of classes.

La locura that is my family continues, and I recently spent part of the weekend helping clean out and paint the grandparents´ former home as it is prepared to be rented out to help cover the costs of advanced care for the grandfather. Although a sad situation as dimensia grips him tighter, I passed the day sweating and laughing as we rushed to get the house ready for students (as it is near la Universidad de Santiago). Marí (my host mom) and her sister Gabi entertained with stories of their childhood and the house as we uncovered old papers, photos, report cards, and a variety of other hidden gems.

In other news, I have pretty much abandoned my search and hope for a newspaper internship because there simply isn´t time. I have inquired and interviewed at several papers around Santiago, but it wasn´t meant to be. Everyone was on vacation, I could only begin at earliest in mid-March (when I have some breaks from school and want to travel) and I didn´t want to derail plans to then stay longer in Santiago after the program in order to obtain the internship. Thus is life.

Now I´m hopefully off to some exotic locations.

Oh, and Theresa put a trenza in my hair...HOT.


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